Everything you need to know before you become a decent developer

Everything you need to know before you become a decent developer

Hey, friends in front of the screen, everyone, I am a programmer, and I have been developing for a long time, I also met a lot of companies and people. I feel it is necessary to write an article about the soft power of programmers in the workplace. I hope it will be helpful to students who want to do well at work, and it can be regarded as making my little experience shine.

The company is a melting pot, with all kinds of seniors and newcomers. No one can summarize any company in one sentence. However, no matter which company you are in, the problems encountered in development are actually similar, such as:

AWS re-Invent 2020 - Eight technology trends

AWS re-Invent 2020 - Eight technology trends

On December 16, Dr. Werner Vogels, vice president and CTO of Amazon.com, delivered a keynote speech on cloud construction. He pointed out the core challenges faced by cloud builders sharply. While releasing new services and new features that builders care about, he reconstructed everyone’s understanding of how to “build”. At the same time, he also shared his prediction of the technology trend in 2021.

Werner said that 2020 is so different, whether companies or government agencies, work and operation methods have completely changed. It is technology that helps us cope with the tremendous changes.

Why AWS, Microsoft and Ali Started to Embrace OAM under the trend of serverless?

Why AWS, Microsoft and Ali Started to Embrace OAM under the trend of serverless?

Recently, the AWS ECS team released an open source project called Amazon ECS for Open Application Model on the official GitHub, and more and more manufacturers are beginning to explore the implementation of OAM. What is the charm of OAM, allowing multiple cloud vendors to unite and embrace together?

Serverless and AWS

The word Serverless was first used in a 2012 article called “Why The Future of Software and Apps is Serverless”. However, if you really go to archaeology, you will find that the content of this article is actually the software engineering concept of continuous integration and code version control. Let’s talk about the “scale to zero” and “pay” mentioned by Serverless today. “as you go”, FaaS/BaaS, these things are not the same thing at all.

How to read the source code of open source project?

How to read the source code of open source project?

Recent years, I have read a lot of source code like RocketMQ, Kafka, Zookeeper and Tomcat. Some friends have asked how to read the source code before, so here I am to share some ideas for your guys.

When you are new to a company and want to be familiar with the code, don’t you just look at the source code? There is no essential difference between this and that of the open source framework. To be honest, the difference is nothing more than the quality of the code and the overall design.

Amazon CTO - Four principles of cloud construction from countless practices

Amazon CTO - Four principles of cloud construction from countless practices

On December 18th, Amazon re:Invent 2020, the annual event of the cloud computing industry, came to an end. For the first time, this grand event was open to the public online for free. Hundreds of professional technical forums were held within three weeks to communicate and explore the latest technological achievements and trends in the cloud computing field with practitioners in the global technology industry. In the final speech on December 18, Dr. Werner Vogels, Amazon’s global vice president and CTO, took the stage and reviewed the ups and downs of the technology industry in 2020, and shared his predictions and prospects for the technology industry trends in 2021.

Dr. Werner’s speech this year was chosen at a sugar factory near his hometown. This sugar factory has existed for more than 150 years and has gradually evolved from a factory to a retail store, and even today’s entertainment and gathering place. From the perspective of AWS, this is a realistic case of continuous innovation and transformation. But in contrast, everything that happens in the sugar factory can be experienced personally, and it is difficult for people to have this experience in an online virtual environment. This requires a series of tools provided by the cloud platform to help people observe and understand. In essence, it is also to feel the changes at any time. From these perspectives, sugar factories and cloud computing have inherent commonalities and are worth learning from each other.

Dropbox Bandaid microservice reverse proxy/Sevice Mesh proxy analysis

Dropbox Bandaid microservice reverse proxy/Sevice Mesh proxy analysis

Dropbox Bandaid microservice reverse proxy/Sevice Mesh proxy analysis

With the widespread popularity of microservice architecture, many companies will use or develop their own API Gateway, and even use Service Mesh for internal services. Recently, I saw an article from Dropbox introducing its internal service proxy Bandaid: Meet Bandaid, the Dropbox service proxy. I have to say that the design details are always its unicorn style, which is very rewarding, and there is also a certain way to improve our own designed proxy. Here is a simple post-reading note. (Dropbox was listed on the U.S. stock market not long ago. It is one of the few steadily rising stocks, I personally invested some money in it. Another sentence: The stock market is risky, and investment must be cautious.)

An accident with a duplicate order number almost caused me to be fired...

An accident with a duplicate order number almost caused me to be fired...

At the end of last year, we had an accident online…

The accident is like this: There are two identical order numbers in the system, but the content of the order is not the same, and the system keeps throwing errors when querying according to the order number, and it cannot be called back normally, and the incident happened more than once, so it must be solved in this system upgrade.

How to design a robust "seckill" system?

How to design a robust

Seckill is the combination of “Second” and “Kill”, which means more than ten thousands of users try to buy a limit number of discounted product at the same time. The system that can handle that presure is called “seckill” system. I believe that many people have seen the seckill system, such as the system of Jingdong or Taobao, and that of the Xiaomi mobile phones.

How is the background of this system implemented? How do we design a high resilience seckill system? What issues should be considered? We will discuss this issue.

In high-concurrency scenarios, should the cache be updated first or the database first?

In high-concurrency scenarios, should the cache be updated first or the database first?

In large-scale systems, in order to reduce the pressure on the database, a caching mechanism is usually introduced.

Once the cache is introduced, it is easy to cause inconsistencies between the cache and database data, causing users to see old data. In order to reduce the data inconsistency, the mechanism of updating the cache and the database is particularly important.

9 best practices for handling Exception in Java!

9 best practices for handling Exception in Java!

Handling exceptions in Java is not a simple matter.

Not only beginners are difficult to understand the exceptions, even some experienced developers need to spend a lot of time thinking about how to deal with exceptions, including which exceptions need to be handled, how to deal with it, and so on. This is why most development teams will formulate some rules to regulate the handling of exceptions. And these norms between teams are often completely different.
